Awakening From Religion-From SEPARATION to UNION WITH DIVINE

Here's the thing about Religion.... Listen to me speak on one of the major problems with religion. Raised in Christianity gave me a very limited view on WHO GOD IS, perceiving myself as separate. Understanding and experiencing oneness through connection with you OWN SELF becomes the salvation you're seeking. When you drop into your heart. God is within you, not outside of you. Not in heaven looking down on you. People pleasing, inauthenticity, unworthiness, low self-esteem, feeling inadequate are all symptoms of FEELING SEPARATE. This is how I grew up, and if you grew up in the Christian Faith with a perception that God is someone outside of you or someone you are supposed to look up to, or even FEAR..... this may help you to begin your own self exploration to seek salvation inside of you, instead of looking beyond. If you want more content like this, comment or reach out to let me know. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: CONNECT WITH ME ON INSTAGRAM: ALL PODCAST EPISODES: