Beyond the Illusion: The Endless Dance of Reincarnation and Manifestation

As natural as reincarnation is for the soul, so is manifestation. It’s a process that happens naturally and automatically just because you exist.

You exist as light and sound- as a unique blueprint of energy… a geometric structure, a mathematical equation...

In this episode, I briefly discuss the concepts of both reincarnation and manifestation but more importantly, I discuss the Relationship between the two. Mainly to show how they’re each intertwined within the laws of nature and therefore part of what’s considered TRUE nature of existence, meaning beyond the illusion of reality. The key idea here, is to show how both of these processes are ongoing, never ceasing, and that you are not just a one timer, here at random, taking what gets thrown at you.

This is a perspective that could quite literally change the course or direction of your life.

I know it has for me. So naturally, I wish to share perspectives, like this one, because it can offer you great insight into a whole new world....... literally.




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